On 17 November 2020, BSF Programme Director Ambassador Iztok Mirošič took part in the Digital Conference on Security Challenges for Europe, organized by RACVIAC – Center for Security Cooperation, KAS – Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Office in Croatia and George C. Marshall Center for Security Studies – also one of the #BSF2020 partners. The conference addressed security challenges in Europe and focused especially on the Western Balkans during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ambassador Mirošič presented the challenges for the organization of a physical #BSF2020 with an emphasis on transatlantic cooperation and coordination of COVID-19 action in Central Europe. He emphasized the importance of the EU enlargement process in the Western Balkans, stressing the development of democratic processes, the rule of law and the fight against corruption, which were particularly noteworthy in promoting “stabilitocracy” at the time of action against COVID-19. The EU, which has helped the region financially, needs to pay particular attention to the dialogue, public diplomacy and strategic communication in a region where geo-economic rivalry of major players is taking place in the form of disinformation campaigns. Credible information is crucial in building mutual trust in the fight against the pandemic. Transatlantic cooperation with the expected new US leadership also remains crucial for the stability of the Western Balkans.
More on the event here.
Veleposlanik in Programski direktor BSF Iztok Mirošič se je 17. 11. 2020 udeležil digitalne Konference o varnostnih izzivih za Evropo, ki jo je organiziral Center za varnostno sodelovanje – RACVIAC, v sodelovanju s fundacijo Konrad Adenauer Stiftung – Urad na Hrvaškem in Evropskim centrom za varnostne študije George C. Marshall (letošnji partner #BSF2020). Konferenca je obravnavala varnostne izzive v Evropi in posebej Zahodnem Balkanu v času pandemije COVID-19.
Veleposlanik Mirošič je predstavil zahtevnost organizacije fizičnega #BSF2020 s poudarkom na transatlantskem sodelovanju in koordinaciji koronskih ukrepov v Srednji Evropi. Poudaril je pomen širitvenega procesa EU na Zahodni Balkan s poudarkom na razvoju demokratičnih procesov, vladavine prava in boja proti korupciji, ki so v času ukrepov v boju proti COVID 19 in uveljavljanja “stabilitokracije” vredni posebne pozornosti. EU, ki je regiji močno finančno pomagala, mora posebno pozornost nameniti dialogu, javni diplomaciji in strateškemu komuniciranju v regiji, v kateri poteka geo-ekonomsko rivalstvo velikih igralcev in mnoge dezinformacijske kampanije. Verodostojne informacije so ključne za krepitev medsebojnega zaupanja v boju proti pandemiji. Za stabilnost Zahodnega Balkana ostaja ključno transatlantsko sodelovanje tudi s pričakovanim novim vodstvom ZDA.