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2020 Bled Strategic Forum

Ambassador Mirošič delivers a lecture on ‘Strategic Thinking in Diplomacy’

BSF Programme Director Ambassador Iztok Mirošič, in cooperation with the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, gave a lecture on ‘Strategic Thinking in Diplomacy’ on Thursday. He presented the basic elements and the need for strategic thinking of small countries such as Slovenia. Through the analysis of documents on the strategy of Slovene foreign policy from 1991 to present time, he showed the basic contours of Slovene strategic thinking, the basis of which was the independence of the state and joining the Western civilization circle to which Slovenia historically belongs. This thinking materialized with the membership in the EU and NATO.

All aforementioned documents state Slovenia’s interest in Central Europe, and Slovenia is in fact a geopolitical and infrastructural crossroads of the Alps and the sea. Its identity is therefore primarily Mediterranean (Adriatic) and Alpine, which any strategic foreign policy refreshment should take into account. Neighbouring countries and stable Southeast Europe are a strategic constant. The EU cannot live with a double understanding of fundamental values ​​such as the rule of law, so it is also necessary to better strategically elaborate the domestically used concept of the most developed, core EU to which Slovenia wants to belong to. Ambassador Mirošič also advocated a planned orientation towards the development of Slovene foreign policy thought through education and publishing, as well as the inclusion and not exclusion of all Slovene human potentials.

Veleposlanik in Programski direktor BSF Iztok Mirošič je v sodelovanju z Diplomatsko akademijo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije izvedel predavanje na temo ‘Strateško razmišljanje v diplomaciji’. Prikazal je temeljne prvine in potrebo po strateškem razmišljanju majhnih držav kot je Slovenija. Skozi analizo dokumentov o strategiji slovenske zunanje politike od 1991 do danes je prikazal osnovne konture slovenskega strateškega razmišljanja, katerega temelj so bili samostojna in neodvisna država s priključitvijo zahodnemu civilizacijskemu krogu, kamor Slovenija zgodovinsko sodi. Le ta se je opredmetil s članstvom v EU in NATO.

Vsi dokumenti navajajo slovenski interes za Srednjo Evropo, Slovenija pa je pravzaprav geopolitično in infrastrukturno stičišče Alp in morja. Njena identiteta je zato predvsem mediteranska (jadranska) in alpska, kar bi morala upoštevati tudi morebitna strateška zunanje politična osvežitev. Sosednje države in stabilna Jugovzhodna Evropa so strateška konstanta. EU ne more živeti z dvojnim razumevanjem temeljnih vrednot kot je vladavina prava, zato je potrebno tudi bolje strateško razdelati doma uporabljani koncept najbolj razvite, jedrne EU, ki mu želi Slovenija pripadati. Zavzel se je tudi za načrtno usmeritev v razvoj slovenske zunanjepoltične misli z izobraževanjem in publiciranjem ter vključevanjem in ne izključevanjem vseh slovenskih človeških potencialov.

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